Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jonny Walker Enduro Has A New Star!


This video follows down-to-earth Jonny Walker from his home in Cumbria to Enduro races around Europe as his shares his dream to become a full-time rider...

From Monday to Friday, Jonny works as part of the daily grind in his 9-5 job. On the weekends, though, he is transformed from a humble Window Fitter into one of the most consistent podium finishers in Enduro racing during the last 12 months. 

In addition to his victory  at the  2012 Erzberg Rodeo and 2012 Red Bull Hare Scramble, podium finishes at the Red Bull Romaniacs, Hells Gate and more, Walker now  has a trophy cabinet bulging with awards.

He also seems like a thoroughly nice bloke, which makes it all the better to wish him success for future Enduro races.