Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Slednecks 15 Snowmobile Madness

We dont often post snowmobile stuff up here. Still, as it is effectively Freestyle on Ice, we dont know why we dont show more. This trailer for Slednecks 15, for example, particularly caught our eye thanks to its mix of backflips, GoPro footage, massive jumps and insane drops.

As you might expect from the 15 in the title, the Slednecks team have been making videos for quite some time. The first of their movies came out back in 98 and since then the Wyoming based team (which includes the likes of Heath Frisby, Kalle Johansson, Carly Davies and many more) have grown a mini-empire selling apparel, outerwear, accessories and their DVDs.

Slednecks 15 was filmed around Canada and Alaska and features crazy action from its award-winning crew. You can see the full movie over on the US version of iTunes.